Wesleyan/Boylston/Sandy Creek Cemetery, Lacona, Oswego, NY, USA

Latitude: 43.64160519633022, Longitude: -76.02885067462921 | Click to get directions to Wesleyan/Boylston/Sandy Creek Cemetery

Abbreviated Placenames
All Burials in Wesleyan/Boylston/Sandy Creek Cemetery, Lacona, Oswego, NY, USA

 #  Name
Died Buried Spouse(s)
1. HARTMAN, Edwina Mae Bridgeport, Fairfield, CT, USA Find all individuals with events at this location13 Oct 1966Syracuse, Onondaga, NY, USA Find all individuals with events at this location17 Oct 1966
2. SCHAD, Stanley Francis II22 Dec 1943 25 Jun 2009Tully Valley, Onondaga, NY, USA Find all individuals with events at this location30 Jun 2009
3. VANDEUSEN, Harold Henry24 Aug 1898Red Creek, Wayne, NY, USA Find all individuals with events at this location6 Oct 1984Red Creek, Wayne, NY, USA Find all individuals with events at this location9 Oct 1984
4. VANDEUSEN, Phillip Andren18 Sep 1948Tully, Onondaga, NY, USA Find all individuals with events at this location7 Jun 1967, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam Find all individuals with events at this location