Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, NY, USA


Location : Latitude: 43.07394844795207, Longitude: -76.12645943041571


   Name   Location 
1.Woodlawn CemeterySyracuse, Onondaga, NY, USA


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 HOWE, Gertrude B.  18 Oct 1922Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, NY, USA I1963
2 HUSTED, Harvey  13 Apr 1963Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, NY, USA I2008
3 RUSSELL, Ronald Beeman  28 Apr 1956Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, NY, USA I642