Sources |
- [S22] Tully (NY) Times, Obituary (Tully Times), 1 Jul 1920, Front Pg (Reliability: 3).
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- [S23] New York State Archives, NY, Abstracts of WWI Military Service, 1917-1919 (, (New York State Archives, Albany, New York), Series B0808. (Reliability: 3).
Name: Roscoe H. Butler
Army Serial#: 1,222,705
Race: White
Residence: 15 Marlette Ave, Onondaga Valley, NY
Enlisted in National Guard at Syracuse, NY, (8 May 1917)
Born: in Tully, NY
Age: 21 6/12yrs
Medical Department Ambulance Co. Sanitary Train, NY National Guard (105 Ambulance Co., 102 Sanitary Train)
Grades: PVT
Wounds Rec'd: None
Served overseas: 30 Jun 1918 to 11 Mch 1919
Hon. Discharge: 4 Apr 1919
Disabled on discharge: 0%